Our Specialties
Seedlings Nutrition provides nutritional support, laboratory testing, protocols, resources, and education for a variety of health conditions. Our nutrition specialties include, but are not limited to, the areas of concentration listed below.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Nutrition services for autistic children and adults to support overall health and wellness while reducing the risk of nutrient deficiencies. Seedlings Nutrition offers nutrition services for common co-occuring conditions including ADHD, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, POTS, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
Neurological Function
One of the key components of longevity is optimizing neurological health and function. We offer nutrition services to support cognition, the brain-gut connection, address behavioral challenges, and overall neurological function.
Mental Health Optimization
Biochemical and genetic factors play a role in mental health. We provide nutrition services to optimize mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, Bipolar I & II, OCD, PTSD, and more.
Environmental Toxins
Environmental toxins can interfere with our neurological and endocrine function. We offer nutrition services for supporting detoxification pathways, reducing oxidative stress, and reducing your toxic load.
Digestive Health
Many health issues are rooted in the gut. We offer nutrition services for food sensitivities/allergies, "leaky gut", IBS, IBD, and more!
Family Planning
Family planning is an exciting time that can be surrounded by unknowns. We take the guess work out of meeting your nutrition needs from preconception to delivery and beyond. We also offer virtual lactation support.
What Our Patients Say